Social Dimension - for students

S1.1 Communication & Social Skills

You’ve probably noticed that living together or working with other people is not always easy. You have your own personality, traits, strengths and weaknesses. And you have to deal with one or more people, all of whom bring their own needs, personalities, motivations, emotions and reactions. The trick is to accept the differences and learn methods for resolving conflicts, facilitating group processes, and/or making decisions together.

Key concepts
  • Methods of conflict resolution, group work, and decision making.
  • Participate in group work over a longer process (2-4 months), both as a team member & group leader
  • Techniques of deep listening
  • Becoming aware of emotions and how you deal with them

S1.2 Leadership & talent

Student page Introduction

Do you know groups in which the same person takes the lead? And do you ever do that yourself? In fact, everyone should be a leader from time to time, because being a leader means taking responsibility, being creative, and sometimes cutting corners. You learn a lot from that. A good leader is not so much “the boss,” but someone who keeps a clear and friendly eye on the higher purpose of the project or group and brings out the best in others.

Key concepts
  • Develop leadership skills in yourself
  • Positive, creative empowerment opportunities (win-win solutions)
  • Giving and receiving feedback
  • Experience success in leading group processes

S1.3 Community & diversity

Student page Introduction

Do you also sometimes doubt whether you totally belong? Because you are different. As in nature, each creature in a group has its unique place and task and is interconnected with the others, but over the centuries many people have come to use their ethnic, religious or cultural identity precisely to separate others from themselves. Today’s challenge is precisely to appreciate the differences. Friendship, trust and mutual support contribute to this.

Key concepts
  • The value of the biodiversity of life and humanity
  • The technique of Dragon dreaming to arrive at a shared vision and approach
  • Experiencing diversity in groups and giving diversity a place within yourself

S1.4 Heritage & local wisdom

Student page Introduction

We are all born in a certain place in a certain country from certain parents. Not surprisingly, we have a special relationship with that. How much knowledge do you actually have of the history of the place, its nature and the people of your native region? It would be a shame if that knowledge were lost. Help preserve this knowledge and wisdom by listening to the stories of elders, researching local folklore and the local language. And honor celebrations.

Key concepts
  • Identify a number of local edible and medicinal plants
  • Stories from your parents and grandparents about their ancestors and cultural family traditions
  • Participate in a creative project session, ritual or performance

S1.5 Education & social transformation

Student page Introduction

There are many challenges in all societies due to rapid planetary and societal changes. How do you shape this? For a healthy and thriving society, it is important to pay attention to those who need it more, such as the elderly, the poor and the sick. By offering direct help or by helping to create social systems in which needs are better met from the outset, you can do a lot about it yourself.

Key concepts
  • Theories of social and environmental injustice and social structures
  • Opportunities for active citizenship
  • Reflect on how you take responsibility for the well-being of yourself and the community