The world’s fisheries are struggling. Overfishing, destructive fishing practices and environmental degradation take their toll. This activity helps to learn more about the limits of growth and the cooperative economy. The “Fishing Game” is a powerful simulation exercise that reveals how management policies and the “Tragedy of the Commons” affect the sustainability of the world’s fisheries.
- Participants will learn from their own experience what unlimited harvesting from “The Commons” can lead to.
- Understand the concept of nature’s carrying capacity.
- Have fun and reflect on how our actions affect The Commons.
Learning Outcomes:
Participants will learn the importance of managing The Commons sustainably.
Space suitable for three or four players. Printed copies of the score sheets.
After completing the game and adding up their results, gather the participants in a circle to discuss the game.
- What was “The Commons” in this game?
- What was your strategy for fishing?
- How many of you completed all ten rounds in each game? Why not?
- What was your goal? (This question leads back to Mental Models we saw in earlier exercises.) How can we make the harvesting of limited resources sustainable?
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