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Various sciences have demonstrated the link between language, place and world view. In this module, students will observe the diversity and differences in the spoken language of themselves and their families. They then dig deeper into stories and everyday phrases to connect their mother tongue with both their country and place of residence and with the worldview of ‘their people’.




Language, especially our mother tongue, is an essential part, to some extent even a source, of our worldview. It is a unique expression of our world view as well as a communication tool. Thus it’s important to really know and reflect the language we think and speak in. 


Keep digging for meanings of words, phrases, etymology or try different forms of expressing language. 


Learn the richness and deeper layers of language through reading (especially stories), writing, speaking or singing. The best outcome is when one learns to love the language. 


SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being  



Psychology/humanities, Languages, Biology, Geography


Learning outcomes


  • Analyse etymology & deep meaning of words
  • Express words / phrases to have more power
  • ist local place names & etymologies (or guess them)
  • Concepts of worldview & language


  • Write story/poem connecting language WV & place
  • Read/listen to stories from people (more than 100 years ago) & role play them to others


  • Speak consciously with old words, sayings about local place Identify differences in spoken language among classmates & families (trace origin) 



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